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Top 100 Businessman - Jen Kessler Share Her Best Advice - 42

Jen Kessler is the CEO and cofounder of Bizzy, a state-of-the-art marketing platform for eEommerce businesses. Jen studied business at Stanford and math at University of Pennsylvania. She's worked at the forefront of bringing inventive predictive modeling to portfolio management across multiple industries, and is excited to be bringing that innovation to the marketing industry. Here's her business advice for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start a business: "Stay balanced. As an entrepreneur, you need to be constantly processing new information, adjusting your plan, and making decisions." "Stay balanced. Get sleep, exercise and have a life outside of just work." @jenkessler1 "If you are exhausted and 100% monopolized by work, you won't have the perspective and insight that you need to guide your venture in the right direction. Sleeping, exercising, and having a life outside of work is critical for your endurance as a human informa...
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Top 100 Businessman - Sol Orwell Share His Best Advice - 41

Sol is an entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience, 6 companies and 8 figures generated from his businesses, including, the original authority featuring independent analysis on supplements and nutrition. He now writes about entrepreneurship on Here's Sol's best business advice for first-time entrepreneurs: "I have to go with: inaction. New entrepreneurs tend to overthink things that don't really matter (logo, copy, etc.), but instead of validating their idea, they get lost in the weeds." "Don't overthink the things that don't matter. Validate your idea and build from there." @sol_orwell "The advice is simple - just do it. Do a minimum version, talk to some friends, and see if they would be interested in it. If so, make a quick version, and go from there."

Top 100 Businessman - Vasil Azarov Share His Best Advice - 40

Vasil is a super connector for entrepreneurs. He's the CEO of Startup Socials, a global community of entrepreneurs that connects and empowers professionals working in the startup ecosystem. He's also the founder of Growth Marketing Conference, Silicon Valley's largest digital and growth marketing event. Here's his best business advice for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start a business: "We have an exciting tradition at Startup Socials. Every Friday we meet with entrepreneurs one-on-one and help them solve startup related challenges." "Become your company's best salesperson and marketer before hiring." @VasilAzarov "One of the most costly and painful mistakes that I see over and over again is hiring in marketing and sales too early. Things tend to go VERY wrong when a founder brings on board a senior sales or marketing person who is lacking entrepreneurial spirit and/or experience working in startups. Instead of hiring fu...

Top 100 Businessman - Cody Lister Share His Best Advice - 39

Cody is the founder of MarketDoc where he helps marketers, business owners, solopreneurs and bloggers get more customers from smarter content marketing. He's also a co-host of the Content Promotion Summit. Here's his business advice for aspiring entrepreneurs: "Many first-time entrepreneurs don't follow the Customer Development Model (the Steve Blank school of thought). They won't presell their product. They avoid surveying their market, meeting or calling people from their target audience before they pony up substantial money and time building a product." "In other words, too often first-timers build a product behind closed doors and don't get the feedback necessary to ensure they get buy in for their idea. As a result, they don't reach product-market fit and end up building a product that fails or succeeds by mere chance, not by calculated steps." "Don't build your product behind closed doors. Get feedback and validat...

Top 100 Businessman - Lauren Holliday Share Her Best Advice - 38

Lauren is a full-stack marketer who's been featured on Business Insider, Entrepreneur, The Muse and more. You can find her on Twitter, Medium, or you can subscribe to her email newsletter. Here's her business advice for millennials who want to start a business for the first time: "The biggest mistake new entrepreneurs make is banking on an idea that isn't valuable to anyone with actual, real-world problems." "You read about this new social media tool or this new game or social app. And it's like: What happened to solving REAL, big, hairy problems as opposed to helping privileged kids send pictures that explode in a day (sorry, Snapchat - first example I thought of)?" "Spend time with people who are different than you, it'll open your mind." @laurenholliday_ "My advice is to spend time with people who are different than you. This will open up your mind to different people and different problems, allowing you to ...

Top 100 Businessman - Jason Quey Share His Best Advice - 37

Jason helps entrepreneurs connect with influencers and experts to rapidly grow their business together at TheStoryTellerMarketer. He also co-hosts the Content Promotion Summit and teaches other entrepreneurs how to get more out of the content they create every day. Here's what Jason has to share with aspiring entrepreneurs who need some business advice before they start a business: "The most painful mistake I see first-time entrepreneurs make is that they don't count the cost or figure out how they'll actually make money ahead of time. Since entrepreneurs don't create a business as a 'charitable deed to mankind,' they need to think about where their revenue and profit will be once the business scales." "If you want to succeed in business, count your costs and project revenue ahead of time." @jdquey "For example, when I launched the Content Promotion Summit with my partner Cody Lister, we started off by focusing on three th...

Top 100 Businessman - Bobby Mukherjee Share His Best Advice - 36

Bobby is the CEO of Loka, a mobile app development company located in Silicon Valley. He previously started and sold two other companies in the technology space. He knows a thing or two about what it takes to build and sell a profitable business, and here's his best business advice to aspiring entrepreneurs: "The biggest mistake first-time entrepreneurs make is being deathly afraid that someone will steal their secret idea. Spoiler alert: Ideas are worthless." "Spoiler alert for first-time entrepreneurs: Ideas are worthless." @wiredbobby "It's the execution beyond the idea that really brings home the gold. So focus on getting out there and meeting as many folks as possible to join your team, give you feedback and point you in the right direction. Any successful entrepreneurial journey is the sum total of a rather large (and under-appreciated) team that came together in a magical way. Get cracking on building yours."